Graphic Design
Interior Architecture


Academic Project/Absolut
5 postcards and a packaging concept for Absolut bottle labels.
Illustration and campaign concept.
Provided by AND Visual Studio.


With this project, we pretended to partner with Absolut to craft a campaign honoring musicians who've profoundly influenced culture and activism. We spotlighted iconic figures like Bob Marley, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, and Prince, showcasing their immense impact beyond music alone. From Bob Marley's advocacy for social justice to Aretha Franklin's pioneering role in the civil rights movement, each artist reshaped the world through their music and unwavering commitment to change.

The campaign aimed to honor these individuals for their role in changing the world. We highlighted Elton John's activism for LGBTQ rights and Prince's boundary-pushing artistry challenging societal norms. Each musician was chosen for their profound influence and contributions to social change, making the campaign meaningful and impactful. Through meticulous attention to detail and creative execution, we brought the campaign to life, celebrating the individuals who are changing the world one sip at a time.

design value

Our illustrations transformed images of these musicians into vibrant artworks, capturing their essence and engaging the audience. By incorporating the iconic shape of the Absolut bottle, we seamlessly integrated the campaign with the brand, creating a visually compelling and cohesive concept.

Each musician was chosen for their profound influence and contributions to social change, making the campaign meaningful and impactful.


The project involved researching and selecting images that symbolized each musician's legacy. We then transformed these images into lively illustrations that resonated with the audience, making the campaign both visually appealing and emotionally compelling. Incorporating the Absolut bottle shape added a playful and recognizable element to the campaign, enhancing its appeal and memorability. Through meticulous attention to detail and creative execution, we brought the campaign to life, celebrating the individuals who are changing the world one sip at a time.