Graphic Design
Interior Architecture

naked truth

Personal passion project
Set of 3 posters
Creator, Photographer, Designer
AND Visual Studio


The empowering Nude Poster Series "Naked Truth" is a bold initiative designed to challenge societal beauty standards and advocate for body positivity. In today's image-driven culture, unrealistic beauty ideals often overshadow the natural beauty of the human body.

This series aims to disrupt this narrative by presenting nude portraits of women adorned with empowering messages. Set against a stark white background, the raw and unfiltered human form becomes the focal point, emphasizing the beauty in imperfection and authenticity.

design value

The series stands out as a powerful visual manifesto against societal norms. Each poster marries the raw beauty of the human form with assertive and empowering messages that champion self-love and defiance. By blending nude photography with bold red typography and accents, the design creates a compelling contrast that draws viewers' attention. This juxtaposition challenges viewers to reconsider their perceptions of beauty and embrace body positivity.

The use of red serves a dual purpose. Not only does it create a striking visual contrast against the white backdrop, but red also symbolizes passion, strength, and defiance. It amplifies the intensity of the messages, making them impossible to ignore. Through this design approach, the series seeks to inspire confidence, self-acceptance, and a renewed sense of empowerment among viewers.


The creative journey began with the careful selection of a model who embodied the series' message of strength, vulnerability, and confidence. Intimate nude portraits were captured, focusing on capturing authentic moments that celebrated the natural beauty of the human body. The next phase involved integrating the empowering messages into the design. Typography was meticulously chosen to complement the imagery, ensuring that each message resonated with the overall theme of body positivity. Iterative design refinements were made, experimenting with different layouts, font sizes, and red accents to optimize visual impact. Collaborative feedback sessions played a crucial role in fine-tuning the series. Each poster was reviewed, and adjustments were made to ensure alignment with the project's objectives. The final designs encapsulate the essence of body positivity, challenging societal norms, and promoting self-love and acceptance. Through this series, Naked Truth seeks to ignite a conversation about beauty standards and empower individuals to embrace their bodies, flaws and all.